Our Service Times.
Witbank Afrikaans
08:00 vm
Witbank English
10:15 am
Middelburg Afrikaans
17:00 nm
Middelburg English
God’s principles were given to man to transform lives from natural to supernatural. We believe that the church needs to be “smaller” to become “bigger” and so we invite people to join any of our “Lifegroups”. Life groups have ONE simple goal – it’s to bring people together (doing life together). We believe God created us with the community in mind and we can experience it in His fullness in Lifegroups. We base our Lifegroup model on the first church described in the book of Acts. In Acts we read about the tremendous growth in the first church in Jerusalem, where the Lifegroups came together in homes and helped lay the foundation
” Stop making excuses, pretty soon your excuses becomes your reasons! “
Ps Andries Van Schalkwyk
Growing the Kingdom, by spreading the good news!
Our MISSION is to be a church that REACHES OUT to the unchurched , and help them to become fully DEVOTED followers of JESUS. our mission is defined in our creed – ENCOUNTER GOD, TRANSFORMING LIVES & IMPACTING GENERATIONS where we help followers of JESUS to know GOD, find FREEDOM, discover PURPOSE & make a DIFFERENCE.
Our VISION is to establish and grow a life giving church that plant other life-giving churches & brings HOPE to a lost & broken world.
Our Ministries
Wednesdays 18H00
Kingdom Soldiers
Young Adults
Fridays 18H00
Sundays - During Service
Grow Kids
Ages 3 - 12
Hope is Here - NGO
1st Monday of Month 18H00
Women on the Grow
Last Monday of Month 18H00
Godly Men
What does it mean to be Born Again?
Water Baptism
Why is water Baptism so important?
Prayer & Fasting
How do i pray nad what does it mean to fast?
Living Free
What does it mean to live in Freedom?
Holy Spirit Baptism
What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
Rooted & Planted
How you can be planted in our church with your unique personality and giftings.